Welcome to my Website

Welcome to my Website

Hey y'all!

I've finally figured out the direction I want to take my content creation. Welcome to my new website and especially my newsletter. Sign up now for exclusive giveaways, deals and discounts, affiliate links for easy shopping, and more. 

I decided to start a newsletter because I want to be able to communicate with y'all in a more organized manner and, what if Instagram stops working, what if something happens to my account, what if YouTube goes crazy? I'll still be able to communicate with you via email.

My plan so far is to have a monthly newsletter than includes my Youtube content schedule, haircare and styling, recipes, sewing, travel and lifestyle. The thing I'm most excited about is the Stylist Spotlight interviews with my favorite tight curl specialists. My 1st interview is with Cassidy Marie Hair. 

I'm so happy you are on this journey with me.


Shop my makeup look! Dec 5 Insta Post | Nicole S (shopmy.us)

Shop a similar blouse! https://widgets.shopstyle.com/?sc-widget-id=L-6397ef195ccbd378ae2282c5


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